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The Nordic Council Price 2013

Sofia Helin, known from i.a. the crime series "The Bridge" and the feature films "Arn" and "Gåten Ragnarok", and NRK's Hans Olav Brenner are the hosts for the Nordic Council's award on 30 October at 19:45. It is the first time that the awards gala is broadcast live on TV throughout the Nordics.

The award ceremony takes place in the Opera House in Oslo. The two presenters have already had time to get to know each other and the assignment:

- It is nothing less than an honor for us to be allowed to create attention around the Nordic culture and the common concern for the environment, say the pair of presenters in a press release.

They promise that they will make it both serious and entertaining for the audience.

The Literature Prize is the oldest and best known of the Nordic Council's prizes. For over 50 years, it has been awarded to works by Nordic authors. This year, for the first time, a prize for children's and youth literature is also awarded. In addition, prizes are awarded for music, film and the environment.

Hans Olav Brenner led the "Book Programme" for five years on NRK2 and starred in the film "Oslo 31. August", which was nominated for the Nordic Council's film prize.

- Oslo 31 August did not win, but it is an honor just to have been nominated, says Brenner.

This is Sofia Helin's first assignment as presenter. Starworks works as a coach for the presenters.

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