Christmas in the Blue Mountain (2022)This autumn, get ready for a joyful reunion when the blue gnomes occupy Chateau Neuf in an upgraded, spectacular and star-studded theater...
The search for Turte!On 9 November 2022 there is a premiere of "CHRISTMAS IN THE BLUE MOUNTAIN" at Chateau Neuf in Oslo! We are now looking for Turte! Is it...
Chat Noir 100 years anniversaryStarworks participates in the worthy Chat Noir's 100th anniversary together with NRK and Tom Sterri. On Monday October 29th we invite you...
L'Elisir D'AmoreTogether with Cynthia Kai, Mattias will choreograph Donizetti's L'Elsisir D'Amore at the Gothenburg Opera with a premiere on 16 November...