The popular Christmas programme, which has aired every Little Christmas Eve on NRK1 since 2002 with over a million viewers, has had a number of different presenters over the years, but this year the program will for the first time be led by two women, Haddy N'jie and Ingrid Gjessing Linen Linhaven.
Last year it was "Chef of the Year" Christopher W. Davidsen who provided the crazy swearing, but this year it is the artist Jørn Hoel who wears the chef's hat. Admittedly in collaboration with TV chef Øyvind Hjelle
Tore and Mattias from StarWorks are in charge of the stage direction and there will be many familiar faces among the guests in the broadcast, which is recorded on Little Christmas Eve from Sporten ved Frognerseteren and broadcast on Little Christmas Eve on Nrk.
Photo: NRK